Rotary 3131 - Project Details

29-09-2021 - 29-09-2021

RC Patas participated in District 3131 Project of Defeat diabetes campaign where 120 beneficiaries were tested and 29 diabetic patients were identified. Charter Pres. Yogendra, Pres. Uttam Rupnawar, GSR Smeeta Shitole,Dr.Kale, Dr. Madhukar Awhad, Rtn. Nitin Shitole, Rtn. Pooja Diwekar & 10 Villagers along with 7 volunteers participated.

Project Details

Start Date 29-09-2021
End Date 29-09-2021
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 120
Partner Clubs District 3131 team
Non Rotary Partners Om Laboratories
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment