Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-06-2022 - 12-06-2022

on 12th June we had our Green Periods Distribution drive of RID 3131 Environment Team, Rotary E Club Of Pune Diamond and Rotary Club Of Pune Cantonment at 4 different locations at Vimannagar .We educated and distributed Reusable Sanitary Pads to 173 underprivileged women .Project Cost was Rs 51900/- .This is sponsored by CSR Freedom From PCOS and Ruchi Malls Pvt Ltd. We appreciate presence of Dist Director Environment Rtn Sameer Rupani and Rotarians from both Clubs Regards Rtn Pawan Joshi President Rotary E Club Of Pune Diamond

Project Details

Start Date 12-06-2022
End Date 12-06-2022
Project Cost 51900
Rotary Volunteer Hours 400
No of direct Beneficiaries 173
Partner Clubs RCP Cantonment
Non Rotary Partners Freedom from PCOS Ruchi Malls Pvt Ltd
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Environment