Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-07-2021 - 20-07-2021

"It is not possible to reach masses because of Covid pandemic. Hence we chose to use the platform of Pune All India Radio to reach the urban as well as rural population. We talked about Need to diagnose carcinoma in early stage and means for that. Risk factors, screening tests, self breast examination was discussed in details. Modalities of management were covered. Reassurance was given that if cancer was detected in initial stages one can lead a normal life for years together. It was in the form of interview. Dr. Smita Jog and Dr. Mrinal Nerlekar participted in this discussion. The program was aired on 20 th July 2021 in Aarogyadarpan in between 12 md and 1 pm."

Project Details

Start Date 20-07-2021
End Date 20-07-2021
Project Cost 400
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment