Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-09-2021 - 25-09-2021

As part of monthly workshop programme for women, Rotary Club of Panvel Elite organised a professional Garba Workshop for the Anns of Rotary Club of Panvel Elite on 25th September 2021. The workshop was attended by more than 15 Anns where they learnt how garba is performed by a professional Garba trainer – Mrs. Riddhi Munot. Anns participated with great enthusiasm and are looking forward to perform it during Navratri. This was the first offline workshop conducted by the club after its 2 hugely successful workshops in the preceding 2 months of July and August which witnessed over 900 registrations for the 2 online workshops that were conducted for women. The club aims to continue the monthly workshops for women over the course of this Rotary International year as we believe that Anns play an extremely crucial role in ensuring the success of service projects and hence need to be kept involved with club activities on a continuous basis. This project was featured in Rotary News Plus Magazine - March 2022 Issue (Page 23).

Project Details

Start Date 25-09-2021
End Date 25-09-2021
Project Cost 1500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5
No of direct Beneficiaries 15
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Vocational Service