Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-04-2022 - 30-06-2022

The term “ Deep CCT “ means “Deep continuous contour trenches” , which are done on hill slopes to arrest rain water flowing downhill. The water is collected in these trenches where it percolates into the ground. Any excess water which overflows a trench is collected in the next trench which is at a lower level. By this method there is practically no water flow resulting in less/no erosion of soil on the hill slopes. Also because the water percolates in the ground at a higher level underground water currents take the water by gravity to various wells in a village. Also there is less evaporation of water because of reduced area and reduced time for which water in the trench will remain over the surface of the bottom of the trench. Thus, provision of Deep CCT’s is a cost of effective method of retaining rain water below the ground level . We have installed 2 5kw units at village Pedgaon and Village Khatun, at a total cost of Rs 3.5 lakhs each, of which the villagers have contributed Rs 1 lakh each Our cost therefore is Rs 5 lakhs for solar plants Total cost of all projects is Rs 6L dam,Rs 3.5 L for Deep CCT & Rs 5 L for solar= Rs 14.5 lakhs

Project Details

Start Date 01-04-2022
End Date 30-06-2022
Project Cost 2000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 500
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Water and Sanitation