Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-04-2022 - 13-04-2022

Our Rotary Club Vice President Mrs Aruna Rathi and I visited the school located in Koregaon Park, on Wednesday 13 April 2022 between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The visit was scheduled for Dr Parikshit Gogate's Community Eye Care Foundation and Vision Aid, USA, who donated about 20 smartphones to the most deserving inmates of the school. With these cell phones the students would be able to connect with the internet and to facilitate their rehabilitation. Some photographs of the event are attached below. We were very much honoured to be a part of the event; unfortunately, Dr Parikshit Gogate himself could not be present for the function due to his work, although he did come for a short while, just at about the time that Rtn Aruna and I were about to leave the school. After the function was over, we were conducted by the school's Admin Officer, Mr Krishna Shewale to see different portions of the school: classrooms, dormitories, toilets, kitchen, mess, music & computer labs and school grounds. We both were very much impressed with the quality of maintenance, the happy children and the dedication of the teachers to their work. The institute has maintained a high standard despite very little help from the government but a lot of public support. During our visit and in subsequent discussion with Mr Shewale, we realised that the school needs some equipment (e.g., wall-mounted fans and exhaust fans). We requested the school to let us know what all is needed so as to give us an idea about the finances required for this purpose

Project Details

Start Date 13-04-2022
End Date 13-04-2022
Project Cost 200000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 20
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Dr Parikshit Gogate's Community Eye Care Foundation and Vision Aid, USA
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Economic and Community Development, Special Projects, Vocational Service