Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-04-2022 - 24-06-2022

Rotary Club of Patalganga in association with Shankarachayya Eye Hospital under GG project, carried out five Free Cataract detection camp at Janta Vidyalay Mohopada, Khidki village at Alibaug, Government Hospital at Lohop, Village temple of Vavoshi. Total 639 old age people were checked and 103 patients were detected with Cataract and were freely operated next day and discharged with New lenses. It was a mega medical project which helped underprivileged community and also enhance Rotary Public Image. Banners and Posters were displayed at various locations for people to enroll for the camp which enhanced Public Image

Project Details

Start Date 18-04-2022
End Date 24-06-2022
Project Cost 85000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 300
No of direct Beneficiaries 639
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Special Projects