Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-08-2022 - 10-08-2022

Eco Friendly (made from shadhu mud) Ganpati idol is the best alternative to POP idols which are harmful to nature. Two expert Ganpati karagirs were invited to teach Eco Friendly Ganesha Idol making . 35 children, 27 parents and 4 staff members of the school took part in the activity. Youngest child of 6 yrs and eldest participant was of 73 yrs old. Parents helped the children in making the idol. This activity was never taken up in any of the school ever till now. Our project was very much appreciated by one and all there and as our favourite ganpati bappa arriving at every one's place just after 20 days the students and the parents were super excited for making idol for the very first time by their own hands. Our motto was to create awareness about the importance of Eco-Friendly Biodegradable Idols and how these small steps can help in saving our environment and nurturing the nature. Also children were made conscious about the environment, marine life and importance to go eco-friendly

Project Details

Start Date 10-08-2022
End Date 10-08-2022
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 70
No of direct Beneficiaries 400
Partner Clubs Rotaract Club of Panvel Elite
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Environment, Vocational Service