Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2022 - 31-12-2022

The Eye Check-Up Camp was organized by our club in association with the Community Eye Care Foundation in various Schools. 1. Zilla Parishad School, Lonikalbhor, was in full swing on July 7th and 8th, 2022. This camp was organized by Utkarsh Apang Sanstha and the Rotary Club of Pune Central in association with the Community Eye Care Foundation. A total of 1,200 students attended the camp. 2. The Eye Check-Up Camp at the Poona School and Home for Blind Girls, was held on July 21, 2022. . A total of 102 students attended the camp, of which 27 students will benefit from low vision aids and 75 were referred for rehabilitation. Eye check-ups were also done for 24 staff members. 3. Eye camp conducted on July 27, 2022, at the ZP Prathamik School in Lonikalbhor. A total of 513 students were checked and 36 were referred for dilated examination. 4. Eye camp at Poona School and Home for Blind boys, Koregaon Park, was held on July 29, 2022. A total of 128 students attended the camp, of which 30 students improved with low vision. 5. On August 4 and 5, 2022, the eye check-up camp was held at Anjuman-I-Islam School. A total of 466 students attended the camp, of which 7 children were referred for dilated examination, 6 improved with glasses. Rtn. Oni and R’Ann Nafisa Kakajiwala were also present.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2022
End Date 31-12-2022
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 500
No of direct Beneficiaries 5000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment