Rotary 3131 - Project Details

17-07-2013 - 27-07-2013

Blood Donation, the first Service Project by the Rotary Club of Pune Metro for the year 2013-14 was conducted at the S.H.Pitkar Ortho Tools, Paramveer Industrial Estate in Pirangut, what is unique that it was the first such event held in the last twenty years in this small scale industrial pocket of the rural area of Paud Taluka. For most donors it was the first experience of blood donation. The inauguration function was attended by local industrialists, Grampanchayat Sarpanch Shri Ramesh Pawale and ex Panchayat Samiti Sabhapati for Mulshi Taluka Shri Balasaheb Pawale. This helped the club to network support and create awareness for the proposed Global Grant Project of the club for rural schools in the area as also the community welfare work undertaken by Rotary in India and the world. Jankalyan Rakta Pedhi were our collaborators in the project, their team of nine persons was headed by Dr Sapre. Out of the 66 persons who volunteered, blood was collected from 51 donors, all donors were presented with a book on entrepreneurship as also a certificate from Janakalyan Raktapedhi, which also entitles them to draw one bottle of blood in case they require for themselves or their family in a medical emergency. Participating Rotarians: Pres Seema, PP Mohan, PP Aneel, PP Shireesh, IPP Neelkanth, Sec Retd Brig Sunil,PP Bhushan [ He also donated Blood], PE Milind Ghaisas, Rtn Nayana, Rtn Mrudula [ Inner Wheel President]. Anns and Annas: Snehalata, Rahul. In quick succession of the first camp of 17 July, the second blood donation camp was also conducted in collaboration with Jan Kalyan Rakta Pedhi in the industrial area of Verve, Taluka Bhor on 27 July, in AES Seals India Pvt Ltd, a UK based company. Rtns, PP Mohan Chatre, PP and PP Aneel Joshi again took the lead to organise the whole event along with Rtn PP Deepak Bodhani. 32 volunteers donated blood, the uniqueness of the event was creating awareness of the importance of blood donation in a rural area, in an industry where such community welfare projects have not been conducted in the past.

Project Details

Start Date 17-07-2013
End Date 27-07-2013
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Jan Kalyan Rakta Pedhi
Project Category Blood donation