Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-08-2022 - 03-09-2022

Menstrual Hygene is one of the most important factors in the well being of Girls/Ladies in that age group. While vaccinating 1800+ Girls against HPV virus, we heard it many times that these Unhygenic practices commonly followed are the main causes of many diseases. Hence Rotary Club of Pune Metro (RCPM) decided to support awareness efforts of Mother and Child welfare society. There is a booklet written in simple Marathi with all the necessary information that would help these young school girls, follow proper practices around Menstruel Hygene. The Booklet would help not just the school girls but also other girls/ladies in their contact ( relying on incorrect/unscientific information ) to have correct information. RCPM arranged to deliver 1000 copies of the booklet to the organization to create awareness around Rajguru Nagar area. The cost to RCPM was Rs 7,000. Efforts spent were 14 hours ( Validating request, understanding scope/benefits = 4 hours, Procurring 1000 books and further stamping them 'Donated by Rotary Clib of Pune Metro Charitable Trust' and arranging to deliver = 10 hours. No of beneficiaries would be = 4000. 1000 Girls receiving booklet + Minimum 3000 other girls/ladies in their contact benfitting from reading it. The name of book invokes substantial interest in girls/ladies to read just on seeing the booklet. Minimum RCP ( Minimum Reader per copy) for such a booklet would be 4. Thus with this project, Rotary Club of Pune Metro has helped about 4000 Girls/Ladies to have proper understanding around Healthy Menstruel Hygenic practices and preventing them from getting many avoidable diseases due to lack of education.

Project Details

Start Date 01-08-2022
End Date 03-09-2022
Project Cost 7000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 15
No of direct Beneficiaries 4000
Partner Clubs None
Non Rotary Partners Mother and Child welfare Organization
Project Category Maternal and Child Health