Rotary 3131 - Project Details

29-08-2022 - 29-08-2022

Basic Life Support Training is our year on year project and we conduct at multiple levels and multiple places. This time we extended our support to Sahajpur based Hodek Vibrations Pvt ltd. company. Management is very supportive and employed centric. Management requested club to conduct such need of an hour training. Shivam Heathcare Organisation has been instrumental in achieving the task. Meticulously, PP Rtn. Dr. Rahul Kalbhor himself conducted training for 3 hours along with their staff of 5. Training is successful and each and every participant got it well trained.

Project Details

Start Date 29-08-2022
End Date 29-08-2022
Project Cost 57000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 80
Partner Clubs n/a.
Non Rotary Partners Shivam Healthcare Organisation, Loni Kalbhor Hodek Vibrations Pvt Ltd. Sahajpur
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment