Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-07-2022 - 27-07-2022

Tree Plantation Drive Date: 27/07/2022 “Just living is not enough, one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.” A tree plantation drive was organized by, “The Rotary club of Raigad fort” in the campus of St. Xavier’s school, Shirgaon, Mahad on 27th July, 2022. The event began with a warm welcome of Chief guest Mrs. Snehal S. Kamat Ex-President of Mahad Municipality and all the distinguished members of the club and school council members. The choir group presented a motivational song, emphasizing the emotional impact of trees on our lives. Several issues created by deforestation were highlighted by the chief guest. Hon. Chairman of St. Xavier’s Education Society, Rtn. Johnson P. D’souza shared his experience as a nature lover. The program concluded with the vote of thanks by President of Rotary Club of Raigad Fort Mrs. Isabella Johnson D’souza. This was followed by the planting of saplings by the guest & students. This activity will definitely help to instill the value of social responsibility among the students.

Project Details

Start Date 27-07-2022
End Date 27-07-2022
Project Cost 47000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs none
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category