Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2022 - 01-07-2022

Rotary Club of Poona Downtown began their Rotary Year 2022-23 with a bang! On Friday, 1st July, a day which is also celebrated as National Doctors’ Day, the Club was able to achieve its first medical project for the year. This project was the inauguration of the Recovery Room as well as newly replaced Surgical equipment for the Operation Theatre at the Cantonment Hospital, Golibar Maidan. The inauguration took place at the hands of Mr. Sudhir Sable, MD of Sable Waghire & Co. Pvt. Ltd. And Rtn. Pallavi Sable, District Director for Disease Prevention and Treatment. This project was entirely possible through the generous CSR donation of INR 25 lakhs that was made by Sable Waghire and Co. Pvt. Ltd.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2022
End Date 01-07-2022
Project Cost 2500000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 90000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners CSR of Sable Waghire & Co. Pvt. Ltd
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment