Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-07-2022 - 18-07-2022

These kits will help students below poverty line will be given selectively to poor deserving students A need based activity....50 kits to be distributed at Pandavnagar School, Pune....on 18th July 22 Will bring a lot of happiness to poor parents....50 kits to be distributed at Prabha Atre"s GROUP OF SCHOOLS & 50 kits to be distributed at Prabha Atre"s GROUP OF SCHOOLS

Project Details

Start Date 18-07-2022
End Date 18-07-2022
Project Cost 65000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Bhausaheb Atre Prashala and Hutatma Rajguru Vidyalay, Padavnagar
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy