Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2022 - 30-06-2023

Gundalwadi… a hamlet upstream the Chaskaman dam in district Pune. Being situated in the hilly region, Gundalwadi and the surrounding areas have a scarcity of water And the lack of sufficient drinking water makes the life of the villagers miserable. No water to maintain the hygiene in the village. No fodder for the livestock. No irrigation for the agriculture and no farm produce. The project consists of construction of a submersible dam on a large stream, flowing through Gundalwadi area, that merges into the Bhima river.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2022
End Date 30-06-2023
Project Cost 12000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1000
No of direct Beneficiaries 50000
Partner Clubs ROTARY CLUB OF Pune Hillside (RID 3131) ROTARY CLUB OF Pune Riverside (RID 3131) ROTARY CLUB OF Oulu, Finland (RID 1385) ROTARY CLUB OF Fort Collins Afterwork, USA (RID 5440) ROTARY CLUB OF Culvercity, USA (RID 5480)
Non Rotary Partners Emerson Duroshox
Project Category Economic and Community Development, Environment, Happy Village, Other Projects, Special Projects