Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-10-2022 - 13-10-2022

Colorectal screening camp organised by RCPA in association with NGO PRAYAS at Amanora Township for Amanora Citizens and staff members. 47 peope benefited from this camp. Colorectol cancer screening camp was being organised at Amanora township for citizens and staffs of Amanora.Total 47 people who got benefited from this camp.The camp was organised for 2 days.Rtn.saraswati venkat,Rtn.Manju,Rtn.Geetha mohan,Rtn.sapna,Rtn.Namita,Rtn.Ankit,Rtn Dr.Midha and Rtn.Dr.Shashikant were there to support during the camp.

Project Details

Start Date 12-10-2022
End Date 13-10-2022
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 8
No of direct Beneficiaries 47
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Prayas (NGo)
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment