Rotary 3131 - Project Details

07-08-2015 - 08-08-2015

Rotary Club of Sinhagad is organizing a free Mammography Camp for the less/under privileged ladies in our community On the 7th of AUG 2015, from 10 am. to 4 pm. VENUE: SAHAKAR NAGAR – 1, Near Date Bus Stop, Near the Residence of Corporator, Mr. Subhash Jagtap. AND On the 8th AUG from 10 am. To 4 pm. VENUE: 276 - OOTA, PASALKAR HALL UPPER INDIRANAGAR, BIBVEWADI PUNE. We have conducted two camps successfully at sahakar Nagar And 1. We screened 110 beneficiaries out of which 2 were confirmed cases and 1 confirmed case and 4 are doubtful cases, which means a proportion of 9%! Let us all get ourselves checked too! Contact me and let us get organized! Project Chairman : Ann. Anita Pandit

Project Details

Start Date 07-08-2015
End Date 08-08-2015
Project Cost 1
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 110
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -