Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-09-2022 - 24-09-2022

Rtn Vivek Kulkarni explained about Adarsh Ganesh Mandal Spardha. Awards for Adarsh Society Ganesh Utsav and Gauri Decoration for public & for club members were given to the winners. Introduction of Guest of Honour Shri Nainesh Nandu was given by Rtn Vivek Kulkarni. Shri Nainesh Nandu shared his ideas about helping the society & declared donations as required for our club’s Vardaan Project and also for future projects. Introduction of Chief Guest PDG Mohan Palesha was given by PP Anant Tikone. PDG Mohan Palesha guided the audience about Rotary’s work & need of help to the society. The judges for the competition were felicitated by the Dignitaries. Competition Judge expressed their opinion about the competition. Awards for Adarsh Ganesh Mandal Spardha were presented by the Dignitaries. Vote of thanks was proposed by PE Milind Kulkarni. Dress code for Ladies was 21-22 Club Saree & Kurta for Gents. MOC of the program was PP Nitin Naik. There was pleasant background chaughada vadan by Mr Pachange.

Project Details

Start Date 24-09-2022
End Date 24-09-2022
Project Cost 27100
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 12
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention