Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-09-2022 - 21-09-2022

On the occasion of Peace Day of Rotary International, Rotary Club of Poona have organised drawing competition in 3 Interact Schools 1) Guru Nanak Public school 2) YMCA 3) PMET About 800 students are participating I will share the pics after the contest . YMCA Sir George Williams School and Junior College held a drawing competition on 21st September,2022 to commemorate International Day of Peace. The competition was organised by The Interact Rotary team. We had 300 students (Std VIII to X) who participated in the competition. 'End Racism,Build Peace' was the topic for the drawing competition.The students showcased their creative skills in drawing and colouring and the result was amazing art work. This fun filled activity witnessed an enthusiastic participation by all students. The winners of the competition were : 1st - Sana Manna IX A 2nd - Susmita Patra X A 3rd - Sania Sawant X A Consolation prize - Om Dhanve IX A Consolation prize - Shreya Dhadve VIII A

Project Details

Start Date 21-09-2022
End Date 21-09-2022
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy