Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-11-2022 - 13-11-2022

Celebra?ng Children's Day @ Ghar on 13th Nov, had started out as an expression of curiosity & a desire to visit this establishment by some of our ladies in response to a media clipping. It turned out into a fun filled and an exci?ng event and a sa?sfying project.... With the 29 girls, the staff & the Trustees of GHAR, the project/event was hosted by the ladies i. e Rtns and Anns of Rotary Club of Poona. The visit was a truly heart warming experience! Rtn Maithili sponsored the Magic show which proved to be great fun for the girls. These talented girls then performed a dance for the audience, followed by a few girls singing the song ' Hum Honge Kaamayab'. With winter approaching 2 sweaters each - one for home & one for the school wort Rs 32000/-were then presented to the girls with the help of dona?ons by Rtn Jayashree, Rtn Maithili and the remaining from the trust(16000+10000+6000). Rtn Ar? also donated a mul?purpose pouch to all girls. A tasty lunch of Pav bhaji, pulao accompanied with pista flavoured milkshake was served to 29 girls, staff, trustees and all our members present, along with Cake (sponsored by Rtn Trup?) 28 ladies (Rtns & Anns) had contributed Re 1000/- each for this. The balance cash Re 12,500/- was later handed over to Gen Micky (trustee of Ghar) towards the Treadmill equipment for GHAR. Almost 30 members (Rtns and Anns) were present for the project.

Project Details

Start Date 13-11-2022
End Date 13-11-2022
Project Cost 32000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 29
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy