Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-12-2022 - 10-12-2022

Financial literacy program for underprivileged women @ Virangula Kendra Anganwadi Aundh. We are doing this program along with help of Post office employees who would also help in opening post office accounts to encourage & inculcate habit of small savings. This is first of such program being done with help of PO, we hope to conduct many such programmes in future. Please do attend the program

Project Details

Start Date 10-12-2022
End Date 10-12-2022
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 10
No of direct Beneficiaries 35
Partner Clubs No
Non Rotary Partners Aundh Post Office, Anagnwadi at Virangula Aundh Gaon.
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy