Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-09-2022 - 15-09-2022

Basic education and literacy is one of the important avenue in Rotary . On Thursday ,15th September 2022 Rotary club of panvel central has done one project for youth as Cyber Security awarenesses seminar to get idea about Cyber crime and to avoid it . It was conducted in Sanjay Gandhi Smarak high school , padghe - kolwadi , in panvel taluka . Mr . Nikhil Mahadeshwar ( Cyber security Expert) and Mr. Sanotsh Shete (police inspector - Crime , panvel ) both of them gave detail & informative seminar and lecture about cyber crime and awareness to the students of age group between 12 to 18 years . Total about 480 number of students both Boys and Girls attended the seminar with lot of enthusiasm .

Project Details

Start Date 15-09-2022
End Date 15-09-2022
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 56
No of direct Beneficiaries 980
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy