Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-09-2022 - 13-09-2022

We had a warm welcome ceremony for Rtn Fayis Ali from Calicut Sunrise club at RCC today. Rtn Ali is on a cycle trip from Kerala to London..covering 30 countries in 450 days. Our club hosted the event with Indo Athletic Society(Cyclist). Pres Ram Bhosale(pimpri elite)Pres Vincent( pimpri town) AG Prakash Jethwah and other members from RC Nigdi were present. We had a traditional welcome with Aukshan done by our lady members. We have the first, newly designed club flag to him. Rtn Ali shared his thoughts with us, followed by Q&A from audience. Thankyou members for attending the program and encouraging Rtn Ali. We gave him home made breakfast. Thankyou Savita for sending Sheera and Aukshan thali.

Project Details

Start Date 13-09-2022
End Date 13-09-2022
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 120
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Indo athletics society
Project Category Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention