Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-07-2022 - 31-01-2023

Rotary Club of Pune Metro - _Project_Read_a_Story New Age, Technology Enabled, All encompassing Project with direct beneficiary contact over period from the comfort of home. Tribal/Rural Students in India tend to get basic education but with lot of gaps and lack of finesse compared to sffluent city students. So how does one close the GAP? Read_a_story (RAS) is one such innovative project. RCPM is working with a NGO which has created Mobile platform to bring Tribal students and Affluent population together. RCPM Volunteers call a tribal student ( via RAS Telephonic platform). Tribal Student reads all the English lessons and RCPM Volunteer corrects his/her accent/English/subject understanding over a cycle of 12 weekly sessions, building rapo over a period of time. Project is done in a very structured manner from the comfort of home via phone call. Tribals are in their village and talking. They can register for second cycle after cycle and this is over and above basic education in school. It is possible due to explosive spread of mobile phones/network in country during the Covid era. Best part is, many School/College going annets are actively participating in this along with their parents, grand parents. Bringing all of them together and improving their bonding. Also the benefit of directly being in contact with beneficiary, at a pre decided pace over weeks, building rapo, noticing progress and becoming empathetic along the way are the factors, which are drawing more and more young and old volunteers to this project. So far over 20 persons are volunteering under RCPM banner. Looking at the current experience, the number is likely to cross 500, with few schools/teachers joining this program under RCPM Banner.

Project Details

Start Date 15-07-2022
End Date 31-01-2023
Project Cost 30000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 400
No of direct Beneficiaries 25
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Read a Story Organization
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Special Projects