Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-10-2022 - 08-10-2022

Wheelchair handed over to Divyang Kalyankari Shikshan Sanstha and Medical Research Institute, Pune.The wheelchairs were donated by the generous contribution of members of RCPS and handed over to Adv. Murlidhar Kachare, Chairman of Divyang Kalyankari Sanstha and Medical Research Institute, Adv. Murlidhar Kachare has been actively involved in disabled children’s rehabilitation work for 39 years and has been honored by the Maharashtra government and the Pune Bar association. Rtn. Pallavi Sabale, District Director ( Disease Prevention and treatment) was Chief Guest. Dr. Smita Jog from RCPS was the convenor for this project.

Project Details

Start Date 08-10-2022
End Date 08-10-2022
Project Cost 165000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 90
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Economic and Community Development, Special Projects