Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-02-2023 - 15-02-2023

*Rotary 11 against Blind men*, a 5 over Chricket match at PYC today What a fantastic day today.. It was the most humblest feeling to have the chance to play against the blind men with our eyes open & have lost ?? Defeat never was so satisfying. Thanks @?Rtn Amit? for giving us this unique opportunity to play with, to mingle & to watch the disabled or rather the specially abled, with a Never say die attitude. And the fun that we CoPs had, was the cherry on the top Looking forward to many more such lovely events together ??? Thanks @?Sanjeev Ogale? for organising the lunch in PYC & thanks @?Rtn Amit? for the lunch treat and for coordinating the event so well

Project Details

Start Date 15-02-2023
End Date 15-02-2023
Project Cost 100000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 250
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs 17
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category