Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-08-2015 - 11-08-2015

Dear Rtn Gauriji Shikarpur My heartfelt thanks to you and members of Rotary club of Pune Shivajinagar for Collecting and Donating about 200 kgs of news papers for making carrybags from them About 5000 carrybags will be made and that much plastic bags will be replaced This generous donation will go a long way in enhancing the scope of this project and protect the environment and will help earn livelihood for the members of Paud Sakhimandal, PAUD which is situated in Mulshi taluka and where more than 50 women are engaged in this activity They have produced and sold over 5 lakh bags in last few years Mrs Maduriji Sudhir Manke is running this NGO in her honorary capacity Thay also join me in conveying our thanks to PDG Deekakji and President and Members of your club We appreciate your contribution and gesture to achieve our goals and objectives and for having made our dreams real Surendra Shroff

Project Details

Start Date 10-08-2015
End Date 11-08-2015
Project Cost 0
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Others