Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-11-2022 - 10-11-2022

This was a very valuable medical project was conducted by the club. In this project a dental checkup camp for the students of ITI was conducted. The camp was inaugurated by Mr. Ramakant Bhavsar, Deputy Director of ITI. And Dr. Shilpa Phansalkar conducted medical checkup for more than 225 students and offered free followup for checkups. Rtn. Aniruddh Joshi took the lead in organising the camp.

Project Details

Start Date 10-11-2022
End Date 10-11-2022
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 70
No of direct Beneficiaries 225
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Govt. ITI, Aundh
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment