Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-11-2022 - 22-11-2022

A workshop to make carrier bags out of paper was held on November 18, 2022, by the Rotary Club of Pune Central in association with the Rotary Club of Khadki. A total of 22 “Green Ambassadors”, Interactors of Chetan Dattaji Gaikwad School, participated in the paper bag-making workshop conducted by Mrs Vishakha Vichare and Mrs Minal Lohiya. Participants were taught how to make various types of paper bags, such as bags with three compartments, dustbin bags, and other types of bags. The Interactors plan to make these bags available in the community, and thereby gradually reduce the use of plastic. RCPC member Rtn. Surendra Shroff also held a comprehensive workshop on making paper bags on November 22, 2022, along with the Interact Club for GMI Girls School, Khadki, and Alegaonkar School, Khadki. A total of 26 “Green Ambassadors” — 15 girls from GMI School and 11 boys from Alegaonkar School — participated in the workshop. Thanks to RCPC and experienced trainers Vishakha and Minal, the Interactors learnt the basic techniques required to make the bags, and made several different types of bags during the workshop. The two best bag-makers (a girl and a boy) were recognized with a token prize. The Interactors have been motivated to make garbage bags in large quantities and distribute them among their school teachers and the Rotary Club of Khadki, besides using them in their own homes.

Project Details

Start Date 18-11-2022
End Date 22-11-2022
Project Cost 3000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Environment