Rotary 3131 - Project Details

23-10-2022 - 23-10-2022

The Rotary Club of Pune Central, in association with the Indian Maritime Foundation (IMF), recently began the clean-up of rivers in and around Pune. The city is blessed with a number of rivers and lakes, which brings its own problems — trash generated upstream and within the city ends up on the river banks and creates serious health and environmental issues. This year’s clean-up event, organized by Rtn. Parvin Malhotra, was flagged off by RCPC President Uday Dharmadhikari at 7.30 a.m. on Sunday, October 23, 2022, in Salunkhe Vihar, Pune. In his opening address, Uday emphasized the importance of a clean and green environment in keeping with the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Swacch Bharat campaign. Children from schools in the area, Rtn. President-Elect Ajay Chitnis, Rtn. Parvin Malhotra, Aditya Dharmadhikari, Rotarians, and retired defence officials participated in the clean-up initiative and collected almost one ton of garbage in less than an hour. Thanks to the single-minded dedication of Rotary Clubs and the IMF, the clean-up activity has been extended to hinterland waterbodies and as far as the rivers of Punjab in north India. As a result of their efforts, several water bodies around the country have been spruced up during the clean-up initiative.

Project Details

Start Date 23-10-2022
End Date 23-10-2022
Project Cost 500000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 9850
No of direct Beneficiaries 99999
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Indian Maritime Foundation (IMF),
Project Category Environment