Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-12-2022 - 20-12-2022

The much awaited RYLA-cum-Career-Counselling Camp was held on December 20, 2022. Over 400 students along with a few of their teachers from 10 schools in Mulshi Taluka assembled at the venue in Village Male. The RYLA event was a great treat and an inspiring event for them. Many gurus guided them with their motivating words and thoughts to prepare them to enter the vast and challenging world of college and career. The function began with the traditional lighting of the lamp, a welcome song, and offering obeisance to the statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. PP Rtn. Madhu Rathi began the proceedings by explaining the purpose of the event — to create awareness about the development of leadership qualities in the students and how they could gain a lot by listening carefully to the speakers. Congratulations are in order to Rtn. President Uday Dharmadhikari, Rtn. PP Madhu Rathi, and PP Dr. Madhavi Vaze for lining up some dynamic and inspiring speakers. Ms. Bhavana Lohokare spoke about career opportunities after 10th grade. She is a successful guide and works for a NGO called Lighthouse, where various skill development courses are run free of cost to help rural students stand on their feet. Rtn. Rajesh Yadav gave an interesting talk on Financial Literacy. Col. Marathe spoke about opportunities in the Army, Navy, and Air force. He stressed the importance of physical capacity and knowledge of English. Rtn. Brig. PKM Raja introduced the firefighting team and their important role. The firefighters gave an informative and entertaining demonstration indicating the different causes of fires and how to deal with them without panicking. PSI Mr. Santosh Bumkar explained what preparation a student has to do for entering the police force and achieving higher posts. He offered free help to all Maval students present there. The common thought and take-home message for all the students was that both physical and mental health are essential to becoming a good leader and setting an example for society. For any work or service, physical stamina and mental strength are required, and certain principles and habits have to be followed from one’s school days. RCPC was represented by Rtn. Pres. Uday Dharmadhikari, Rtn. PP Madhu Rathi, Rtn, PP Dr. Madhavi Vaze, Rtn. Brig. PKM Raja, Rtn. Nandita Khaire, Rtn. Lekha Nair, and Rtn. Rajesh Yadav. President Uday thanked all the speakers for their entertaining, informative, and inspiring talks. A lavish breakfast and lunch were provided for the attendees.

Project Details

Start Date 20-12-2022
End Date 20-12-2022
Project Cost 500000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 7500
No of direct Beneficiaries 10000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Other Projects