Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-12-2022 - 14-12-2022

A Project for giving guidance on metamorphosis from a child to a young adult. Informative Lecture on Physical & Mental Health, Changes in Anatomy, Awareness about Health issues, Fitness through exercise for girls of age between 13 - 19 years. Attendance: Dr. Tanuja Javdekar, Dr. Asawari Page, Secretory Ashwini Shiledar, Harshad Sonar, Convenor Pratiksha Shelke School Attendance: principal and teachers of the school. Approx 70 girls of standard 7th,8th,9th Session Summary: It was a session at the Rotary School. Session was received with a lot of appreciation from the students and teachers at the Rotary School. Girls were very open and accepting of the lecture by Dr. Tanuja. They were attentive and asked many important questions during and after the session. Dr. Asawari's session was energetic. Girls enthusiastically participated in all the types of exercises

Project Details

Start Date 14-12-2022
End Date 14-12-2022
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 5
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs NA
Non Rotary Partners Dr. Tanuja Jawadekar Dr. Asavari Page
Project Category