Rotary 3131 - Project Details

09-04-2023 - 09-04-2023

Solar water heater of capacity 350 liter is Assemble and doneted to Gurukrupa warkari vidhyarthi seva trust Wadhane. The warkari School havinf 40 young WARKARI getting education of HINDU DHARMA. The need of hot water for Bath is fulfill by R C Bhor Rajgad in coordination withRC Pune. Maithili Manakwad and other member from RC pune and Rotarian from RC Bhor were presens at the occation.

Project Details

Start Date 09-04-2023
End Date 09-04-2023
Project Cost 70000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 450
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs RC Pune
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Economic and Community Development, Environment