Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-02-2023 - 14-02-2023

This program was held at Ghadge Baba Maharaj School. It was a heartwarming sight to see these young students of three schools, which were trained under this program, come together and share the stage, namely Students of KILBIL SCHOOL, CHETAN DATTAJI GAEKWAD and GADGHE-BABA MAHARAJ SCHOOLS. Their confident presentations and superb hosting by one of the students of the host school was mind boggling! This is a TATA CSR INITIATIVE. They were represented by Mr. Abhishek Jain. A wonderful human interest story unfolded at this event! A young boy of Ghadge Baba School, who learnt digital literacy and English com-medication, under the Jagruti Program, gave an excellent power point presentation of his school’s history! He has received a bravery award for saving his mother from a leopard attack! Seeing all this, Ann Shalini Makhija, our very warm and large hearted member, presented the mother with an auto rickshaw, to se-cure their livelihood. RCK PP Virendra Sheorain has taken the student’s educational responsibility, at least up to class 12.

Project Details

Start Date 14-02-2023
End Date 14-02-2023
Project Cost 500000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 96
No of direct Beneficiaries 500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners TATA Autocomp
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy