Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-04-2023 - 15-04-2023

RCPLokmanyanagar through a Corporate Social responsibility donation ffrom a corporate Continual renewable Pvt Ltd have donated to Bal Kalyan Sanstha, a Govt initiative working for last 40 years for the skill training and therapy and well being of physically disabled children from all over pune and nearby rural areas. The institute sends its own buses to nearby small schools catering to such children and bring them to centre for skill development training like arts and crafts, games, sports, other trainings, and also therapy like physiotherapy and aqua therapy. The institute needed a 20 seater bus for children from further away places and also needed to upgrade their physiotherapy lab. They also needed mirrors (special) and other sensory training equipment. The hand over of all these at the hands of Donor Mr Sunil KOli and DG Dr Anil Parmar will be done. Padmashri Prataprao Pawar would be present who is chairman of the institute.

Project Details

Start Date 15-04-2023
End Date 15-04-2023
Project Cost 2000000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 300
No of direct Beneficiaries 82500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Continual Renewable Energy Pvt Lrd
Project Category Special Projects