Rotary 3131 - Project Details

14-05-2023 - 14-05-2023

O The Rotary Club of Pune Synergy initiated a project aimed at promoting environmental sustainability by distributing cloth bags at the Taljai premises. With a vision to reduce plastic waste and promote reusable alternatives, the club organized a community-driven campaign. Volunteers actively engaged with visitors and residents, educating them about the detrimental effects of plastic bags on the environment. By distributing free cloth bags, they encouraged individuals to switch to eco-friendly alternatives. The project created awareness, instilled sustainable habits, and empowered the community to take responsibility for a greener future. Together, the Rotary Club of Pune Synergy and the community took a significant step towards a cleaner and healthier environment.ur club distributed

Project Details

Start Date 14-05-2023
End Date 14-05-2023
Project Cost 4500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 24
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Environment