Rotary 3131 - Project Details

03-12-2022 - 03-12-2022

Rotary Club of Pune Pride conducted a comprehensive three day Health Checkup camp for the 661 students residing at the hostels of Vidyarthi Sahayak Samiti (VSS) in Pune. Majority of the students have roots in rural areas and come from economically weaker sections of the society. This Community Service project was well intended, well executed and well received/appreciated by the recipients. The project was large-scale not only in terms of target beneficiaries but also in terms of time span and involvement of Rotarians by way of Medicos, volunteers and attendees. It's always satisfying to serve the needy because we are in Rotary with that purpose in mind. In this case, we were able to reach out not only to the needy but also to an absolutely deserving audience. The other heartening aspect was the dedication displayed by the doctors who spared three whole days out of their busy practice schedules for this charitable cause. The success of the camp was reflected by the smiles on the faces of students who found friends and guides in the young doctors. It's amazing to see the way the institution is run and the way the students present themselves. It surely leaves a lasting impression of a generation being moulded into noble citizenry and confident individuals. Kudos to Vidyarthi Sahayyak Samiti, the concept of service, the legacy of the founders and the present team who work selflessly to preserve the value system rare to be found in millennials.

Project Details

Start Date 03-12-2022
End Date 03-12-2022
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 117
No of direct Beneficiaries 195
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Vidyarthi Sahayak Samiti (VSS) House of Tooth - Dr. Kasodekar Kulkarni Pathology - Dr. Manjusha Kulkarni Poona Eye Care Centre - Dr. Kolte
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment