Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-10-2022 - 05-10-2022

Social Responsibility awareness program by Rewarding Road and Drainage Cleaning Town Kamgar Rewarded by giving Saree and 1gm gold Nath for their special contribution towards society Special donation by - Prathmesh Jewellers, Ganpati Silk Saree

Project Details

Start Date 05-10-2022
End Date 05-10-2022
Project Cost 65000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 120
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners 1) Ganpati Sil Saree, Rajgurunagar - 50 Silk Saree donated for this project 2) Prathmesh Jewellers, Rajgurunagar - 50 1gm Gold Nath distributed for this Project
Project Category Economic and Community Development