Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-08-2015 - 21-08-2015

The New Generation Service of the Rotary recognizes the positive change implemented by youth through leadership development activities. Our club held a RYLA program at IBS Business School on the 21st August. The RYLA was focused on developing qualities of leadership good citizenship and personal development among the youth. The program was held from 11.30 am to 4.30 pm and comprised of three sessions. The program, conducted by our RYLA Chairman, Ann Kripa Contractor, began with singing the National Anthem. President Supriya Banerjea greeted the students and the College dignitaries and requested the students to gain maximum knowledge from the sessions. PP Prixhusp Contractor gave the students a brief overview of Rotary as well as of RYLA and invited the students to participate whole-heartedly in the RYLA so as to “stride forward towards meaningful leadership in their lives and careers”. The first session, conducted by Retd Lt Gen Shekatkar, titled “Dabang”, focused on the qualities of a good leader. He inspired the students to aspire for knowledge rather than degrees, be focused on their goal and not be discouraged by difficulties along their path. He urged the students to remain motivated throughout their lives and have a desire to learn from whichever situation they are placed in. The second session was conducted by Rtn Neeru Goel. She spoke on the "Evolution towards Higher", our souls journey towards becoming a better human being and connecting with our inner "God" and thereby reaching ultimate happiness. Though the topic was on spirituality, the young audience were very receptive to her talk and could even discuss it with some degree of maturity, as was evident by the questions they posed. Rtn Col Prem Anand spoke thereafter on "Conflict Management and Resolution". He explained this very complex topic giving simple day to day examples interspersed with short film clips that had the audience of students, teachers and Rotarians often in splits of laughter. Many a time, the "young Captains of Industry" broke out in spontaneous applause to show their appreciation. Rtn PP Vikram Nabar gave his concluding remarks at the end of the RYLA program, after which Certificates of Participation were handed over to the students. Seven students were awarded for outstanding performance. The enthusiastic participation by the 100 students heartened the Rotarians as well as the speakers. The RYLA was attended by Rtns President Supriya Banerjea, Aruna Rathi, Massarat Tavawalla, PP Subhas Sanzgiri, , PP Vikram Nabar, PP Prixhusp Contractor, PP Biman Mookerji, , Anil Chadda, Phiroze Masters and Anns Manju Mookerji, Nandita Nabar, and Kripa Contractor.

Project Details

Start Date 21-08-2015
End Date 21-08-2015
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category -