Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-06-2023 - 27-06-2023

When E-learning Kit was donated to the sch0ol Vanaz Pariwar Vidyamandir, their Headmistress requested to donate Satranjies to their school. Accordingly 10 big satranjies were donated to Vanaz Pariwar Vidyamandir on 27th June,2023. The students were sitting on the floor on the terrace for their programs. They were in need of Satranjies. Now they will use the same for students. They were very appy for this donation.

Project Details

Start Date 27-06-2023
End Date 27-06-2023
Project Cost 13000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 450
Partner Clubs -
Non Rotary Partners -
Project Category Economic and Community Development