Rotary 3131 - Project Details

19-07-2023 - 19-07-2023

On 19 July 2023, the Interact Club organised their Installation Ceremony. The meeting was presided over by the RCPD President Aruna Rathi. She installed the President of the Interact Club, Aditya Andhare, and presented him with the collar and gavel. Lapel pins and Youth Icon caps were given to all office bearers. President Aruna Rathi spoke to the Interactors about how they are honoured and privileged to be a part of an international organisation, Rotary. There are more than 11,000 Interact Clubs worldwide. The Interactors also have some duty towards the community, to create Hope for them. Her speech was followed by the Oath Taking ceremony. She read out the pledges for the new Committee members and also for all Interactors. The Rotarians present also took an Oath to support the Interact Club. The Principal, Mrs Kulkarni, delivered a brief speech thanking Rotary for creating the platform for the students to learn to serve. No of Interactors (for RY 2023-24 ) is 25

Project Details

Start Date 19-07-2023
End Date 19-07-2023
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1
No of direct Beneficiaries 25
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Dr (Mrs) Erin N. Nagarvala (R) School
Project Category Economic and Community Development