Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-08-2023 - 18-08-2023

Eye check up & Vision Care Camp at Prathamik Vidyamandir, Barav Location: Prathmik Vidya Mandir Objective: To conduct an eye check-up and vision care camp for approximately 300 students at Prathmik Vidya Mandir, and to distribute prescription eyeglasses to students with refractive errors. Agenda: Opening Remarks (5 minutes) Welcome and introduction of the camp's purpose. Acknowledge the team led by Rtn Dr. Ravindra Kolte Eye Specialist. Brief Overview of the Camp (3 minutes) Explain the schedule and flow of the camp. Highlight the importance of eye health and regular check-ups. Eye Check-Up Process (20 minutes) Introduction of the eye check-up team. Explain the procedure to the students: Visual acuity test (Snellen chart). Refraction test for refractive errors. Examination by Dr. Ravindra Kolte and team. Eye Check-Up for Students (90 minutes) Organize students into groups. Conduct eye check-ups for approximately 300 students. Ensure efficient and friendly handling of each student. Distribution of Eyeglasses (15 minutes) Announce the results of the eye check-ups. Identify students with refractive errors. Distribute prescription eyeglasses to students in need. Education on Eye Care (10 minutes) Dr. Ravindra Kolte to give a short talk on the importance of eye care. Provide tips for maintaining good eye health. Q&A Session (10 minutes) Allow students to ask questions about eye health. Address any concerns they may have. Closing Remarks (5 minutes) Thank the students, teachers, and Dr. Ravindra Kolte and his team for their participation. Emphasize the significance of regular eye check-ups and eye care. Express gratitude to the school for hosting the camp. Refreshments (15 minutes) Provide refreshments to the students and volunteers. Encourage interaction and a friendly atmosphere. Camp Conclusion and Evaluation (10 minutes) Gather feedback from volunteers and participants. Discuss improvements for future camps. Acknowledgments and Gratitude (5 minutes) Thank everyone for their support and participation. Highlight the positive impact of the camp on the students' lives.

Project Details

Start Date 18-08-2023
End Date 18-08-2023
Project Cost 22500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 120
No of direct Beneficiaries 400
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment