Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-09-2023 - 05-09-2023

On September 5, 2023, the Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar, in collaboration with the Mandeshi Foundation and the Government of Maharashtra Agriculture Department, conducted an Agricultural Literacy project and training on kitchen gardening in Usarli Village. The initiative, led by the Mandeshi Foundation, focused on imparting valuable knowledge and skills related to kitchen gardening, organic farming, and vermicomposting. Participants, which notably included women from the community, were eager to learn about sustainable agricultural practices. The training sessions were comprehensive and aimed at empowering individuals to harness their land's potential for food production while promoting eco-friendly farming techniques. Upon successful completion of the training, participants were awarded certificates of completion, highlighting their newfound expertise in kitchen gardening and related agricultural practices. This project reflects the Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar's commitment to community development, sustainable agriculture, and education, all while fostering collaboration with respected organizations and government agencies to achieve these goals.

Project Details

Start Date 05-09-2023
End Date 05-09-2023
Project Cost 2500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 135
No of direct Beneficiaries 35
Partner Clubs RCC Sisterhood, RCC Openwings.
Non Rotary Partners Man Deshi Foundation, Government of Maharashtra Agriculture Department, Usarli Gram Panchayat
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Economic and Community Development, Happy Village