Rotary 3131 - Project Details

29-08-2023 - 29-08-2023

MU COLLEGE ROTRACT CLUB is 2 years old. This year their new President , Yash Bhagnani took over from IPP Prajakta Tatar. It was a well organised program in their college auditorium, with pomp and decorum. Chief Guest was District chairman, Mohan Pujari, Interact, district 3131 guest of Honour was PE Elect, Rtn. Seema Bedekar, RCK. Also presnt were Director, Youth, PP Rtn. Vineet Mathur, PP Rtn. Alka Mathur , Rtn. manjula Saxena & Rtn. Harish Shah. .

Project Details

Start Date 29-08-2023
End Date 29-08-2023
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 15
No of direct Beneficiaries 48
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy