Rotary 3131 - Project Details

06-07-2023 - 31-01-2024

Hemoglobin is the protein contained in red blood cells that is responsible for delivery of oxygen to the tissues. To ensure adequate tissue oxygenation, a sufficient hemoglobin level must be maintained. Regular HB (Hemoglobin) check-ups are crucial for underprivileged school girls, as they often face nutritional deficiencies that lead to conditions like anemia. Anemia, characterized by low hemoglobin levels, can impair cognitive development, physical growth, and overall well-being. Our Club launched a transformative initiative aimed at promoting the health and well-being of school girls through a free HB check-up camp at Janta Vidhyalaya school for girls from age group of 8-14. By organizing free check-up camps, we ensured early detection of anemia and timely access to treatment, such as nutritional supplements or medical intervention. Total 144 Girl students were checked and 32 Girls were detected anemic. The parents of the 32 girls were called for special session where they were guided on how to increase the HB of their child. Free medicines for 90 days were distributed to all girls .Again after 90 days the girls were called up to check the status and HB was within the required range. This initiative not only improved health outcomes but also empowered girls by addressing health disparities and promoting equal access to healthcare. We intend to continue this project in various ZP schools in coming RY too.

Project Details

Start Date 06-07-2023
End Date 31-01-2024
Project Cost 432000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 52
No of direct Beneficiaries 144
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners PHC Lohop
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment