Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-08-2015 - 15-08-2015

Venue : Samarth Vidyamandir, Velven, Bhor on 15th August, 2015 Our 1st RYLA Service Project organised at Samarth Vidyamandir, Velven, Bhor on 15th August, 2015 on occasion of Independence day. We received a warm welcome by school. The program was started with "Sarsvati Pooja" by the hand of Chief Guest District Senior Rotarian Ravi Dhotre & RCP Sahawas President Rtn. Dr. Sunil Patil. Students performed welcome songs. RCP Sahawas President Rtn. Dr. Sunil Patil briefed about Rotary and their contribution to the society. Also our association with the School from last couple of years. Youth Service Director Rtn. Anil Jadhav briefed about RYLA. RYLA is Rotary Youth Leadership Award. The concept of this program is to enhance the talent among the youth. Various speaker have participated. Rtn. Smita Indalkar briefed the students about "Why, what and how to Study". She made the program very interactive by questionnaire with students. Students also participated interestingly. Our 2nd speaker was Swanand Dada from NEA Life (Nurture-Educate-Achieve) NGO which works for poor children in the society. He has also made very interactive session about personal grooming. All have enjoyed his self presentation. Our Chief Guest District Senior Rotarian Ravi Dhotre also spoke on importance of education. Also guest suggested to RCP Sahawas to consider provision of lights and fans in class room which RCP Sahawas members have agreed and declare acceptance. Certificates were presented to all students who have participated. Our Club monthly bulletin "Maitra" of August' 2015 was published by Chief Guest District Senior Rotarian Ravi Dhotre There was quiz program arranged by Rtn. Vasant Dhupkar and students have participated. Prizes and gifts were awarded to winners. Rotarians distributed chocolates to all students. RCP Sahawas Club has distributed notebooks and sweets to all students. Ann. Shweta Baraskar gifted a set of books to Principal Shri. Shaikh sir for school library. All have appreciated. The entire program anchoring was done by Ann. Jayshree Dhupkar. Vote of thanks given by Rtn. Arvind Ruikar. School students performed various cultural songs and programs. Members appreciated their performance and given prizes. Before lunch Club members have sang songs. Also participated by school staff. School offered arranged delicious lunch which all of have enjoyed.

Project Details

Start Date 15-08-2015
End Date 15-08-2015
Project Cost 7500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Ann. Ruta Raje, Ann. Jayashree Ruikar, Ann. Jayshree Dhupkar, Ann. Varsha Kulkarni, Ann. Aparna Takalkar, Ann. Supriya Vaidya, Ann. Ashwini Phadnis, Ann. Shweta Baraskar, Ann. Shraddha Palaskar
Project Category Basic education and literacy