Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-07-2023 - 13-07-2023

*100 primary school students from these areas are facing difficulties in attending school during the rainy season* due to the lack of proper rain protection. To address this issue and ensure that these children have the opportunity to continue their education, a plan has been put in place to distribute rain umbrellas to them. Education is a fundamental right, and no child should be deprived of it due to weather conditions. By providing these rain umbrellas, we can make a significant difference in the lives of these young students and help them overcome the challenges they face. Chandrashekhardada Pokale Convenor

Project Details

Start Date 13-07-2023
End Date 13-07-2023
Project Cost 18500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 18
No of direct Beneficiaries 500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners 1
Project Category Disaster / Crisis Management, Economic and Community Development