Rotary 3131 - Project Details

16-07-2023 - 16-07-2023

Visit the Gad fort from the cleanliness drive!* _*16 july come to Raireshwar*_ A campaign to make historical areas plastic free while introducing the glorious history of Marathas to the general public. On the third Sunday of every month, tours of various forts in Pune district are organized through the Rotary Club. During the visit, the surrounding area will be made plastic free by learning about the vivid history. This activity is open to all. The above activities are going to be paid. Use registration link 2nd event of sports team and 1st trek of this year executed successfully. 4 bags of plastic scrap collected and disposed 10 annets 15 Ann's 18 Rotarians 5 non Rotarians From various clubs participated with enthusiasm This yr trek started with visiting raireshwar and taking blessings of chatrapati shivaji Maharaj. 11 months 11 treks to go. Every 3rd Sunday we will meet at various locations. team sports avenue rotary dist. 3131

Project Details

Start Date 16-07-2023
End Date 16-07-2023
Project Cost 100
Rotary Volunteer Hours 10
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs District 3131 Drive
Non Rotary Partners Raireshwar fort non rotarian Voluntiers
Project Category Environment, Other Projects