Rotary 3131 - Project Details

07-07-2023 - 07-07-2023

44 kids & 10 teachers along with Principal Asmita Vaidya from Anishan Education Society's Future Pride Inclusion Daycare & Preschool enjoyed Pune Metro Ride from Garware College Metro Station to Vanaaz Metro Station and back. The school staff with children arrived at the station at 11.30 am. In the Metro ride, the children sang nursary rhymes & enjoyed window browsing. Then the children played few games like tug of war, hopscotch etc at the Vanaaz Metro Station. Birthday cake was cut for birthday of two students. PP Nitin explained the purpose of this activity & President Milind and Event Director Nukul chatted with the children. All the school staff was feliicitated by our club and the club members were also felicitated by the Principal Asmita. Mr Danial, Manager of Pune Metro also participated in this activity. Our club distributed snacks for the children. The activity was sponsored by Annet Pinaak Naik. President Milind & Mugdha Kulkarni along with Rtr Aksha, IPP NAmita & Nitin Naik, Event Director Nukul & Madhura Dinkar, Secretary Asmita Patil were present for the activity.

Project Details

Start Date 07-07-2023
End Date 07-07-2023
Project Cost 6000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 80
No of direct Beneficiaries 54
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Pune Metro
Project Category Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention